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My Laundry Powder Science Experiment

I did a little Laundry Powder Science Experiment the other day with a couple of supermarket brands of laundry powder.  Both are Australian made and both claim to be the super eco friendly.  Aware also claims to have no added fillers.

I mixed a front loader dose of powder from each brand into a (recycled but clean) pasta sauce jar and added warm water.  I used half cold and half boiling water so let’s call it 50 degrees, hotter than my washing machine anyway.

I stirred and I shook until my arms were tired.  Then I left them to sit for a while.

At first, I thought the Aware powder had dissolved quite well but a couple of hours later I came back to it to discover that was not actually the case.  I don’t know what’s in it but it looks like shards of plastic.

The Eco Choice just looks like it has bits of sand in it.

Tri Nature’s Alpha Plus Laundry Powder is completely dissolved and clear all the way through (of course)!

You can watch the video of me doing the experiment.  It goes for 10 to 12 minutes.


And YES, I fully encourage you to TRY THIS AT HOME!

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