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What’s New and Improved About Sphagnum Moss & Sanazone?

First and most importantly, the Improved Sphagnum Moss & Sanazone Disinfectants do the same job and smell the same way.  You won’t notice any changes.

The original Sanazone and Sphagnum Moss we all know and love had an active ingredient in them called….Sphagnum Moss!  Tri Nature have a very strict policy around where they source their ingredients.  There are a number of boxes that must be ticked including that the ingredients must come from sustainable plantations and ethical suppliers (people who treat their workers fairly, are not causing destruction to the environment, etc.).

There has only been one supplier of Sphagnum Moss who met this criteria.  Unfortunately, in recent times, it seems this has changed.  Tri Nature decided that they would rethink the product rather than compromise on their ingredients.

It turns out that Sphagnum Moss was so awesome at its job of disinfecting that it had to be replaced with not one, but THREE ingredients.  The combination of Oregano, Rosemary and Thyme have replaced Sphag Moss as the active ingredient.

Oregano, Rosemary and Thyme extracts are well known for their potent antimicrobial benefits and have been combined synergistically to boost antimicrobial performance.

Oregano, although a widely recognized herb used in Mediterranean cuisine, and was traditionally used as an antiseptic.

Thyme has been used in traditional medicine to treat both infection and inflammation.

Rosemary herbal extracts are known for providing antioxidant protection.

So Sanazone and Sphagnum Moss, no longer actually contain Sphagnum Moss, but other than that, they are the same fantastic products!

The NEW part of New and Improved is that there is now Sanazone in Lemon Myrtle as well as odourless.  So you can have Spearmint and Musk, Lemon Myrtle, Odourless, or add your own essential oils to the odourless for you personalised Disinfectant!

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