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Tag: eco responsible

How to be a more eco friendly traveller this holiday season.

We are now into the Australian summer and speeding towards peak holiday season at an alarming rate. I thought it good timing to provide some tips about how to keep your traveling as eco friendly as possible with as little waste as possible.  Whether you’re flying to the farthest corners of the earth or roaming…

7 cleaning hacks to get your house holiday ready in a hurry!

7 cleaning hacks to get your house holiday ready in a hurry! I think we have established by now that I am super efficient (lazy) when it comes to domestic duties but I lack the financial ability to hire someone to do it for me.  Plus they wouldn’t do it the way I Iike it…

My Laundry Powder Science Experiment

I did a little Laundry Powder Science Experiment the other day with a couple of supermarket brands of laundry powder.  Both are Australian made and both claim to be the super eco friendly.  Aware also claims to have no added fillers. I mixed a front loader dose of powder from each brand into a (recycled but…