A lot of people are unclear about the difference between Antiperspirants and Deodorants, or even whether there is a difference. There is.
The clearest way I have heard this put is: deodorants are for smell, antiperspirants are for sweat.
Deodorants are designed to de-odour, to cover up any smell from your sweat. A perfume for your armpits if you like. They do not stop you sweating, nor are they meant to. They are just meant to disguise any smell you may produce.
No deodorant contains aluminium, regardless of brand.
Antiperspirants, as their name suggests, are designed to stop you sweating. They do this by blocking your pores with aluminium so the sweat cannot come out. At this time, aluminium is the only way to stop sweat.
All antiperspirants contain aluminium.
Much concern has been raised in recent times about the links between aluminium in antiperspirants and cancer. At this time, there is no evidence to suggest these concerns are valid (for more information, you can check the Victorian Cancer Council’s website iHeard.com.au).